© 2003-2011 by Harold Melton, KV5R. All Rights Reserved. Rev.06/11/05
buss box for all your 12-volt goodies
Like so many other things in ham radio, you can spend $50-$100 for it, or make it yourself for less than $10. This DC buss distribution box uses two sets of 30-amp banana jacks, and four sets of 15-amp banana jacks.
The feed wire is #10 stranded, soldered between the 30-amp jacks. The buss wire is #14. The box is from
an old laptop computer power supply. It has a steel body and a plastic top - perfect for this application.
Ain’t tat PURDY?!
Hello ? 0n your receiver s meter why not try small swiching
2 diodes across smeter in opisite directions? I have opisite directions
on 1kw diodes 0n the 3kw volt meter to protect the meter rf wise.
Just an idea for your s meter? Thanks For any responce Jerry W6BL
tacoma , wa