How 2-meter radio is organized (Texas plan).
© 2003-2011 by Harold Melton, KV5R. All Rights Reserved. Rev.06/11/05
Shop for 2 meter radios
Simplex | 144.000 | to | 144.600 | 145.510 | to | 146.005 | 147.400 | to | 147.600 |
Freqs. | 144.910 | to | 145.205 | 146.380 | to | 146.605 | 146.520 | = | calling |
Duplex: | Input | - | Output | Input | - | Output | Output | - | Input |
146.490C | 144.55 | - | 144.15 | 146.020 | - | 146.620 | 147.000 | + | 147.600 |
146.520 | 144.57 | - | 144.17 | 146.040 | - | 146.640 | 147.020 | + | 147.620 |
146.535 | 144.59 | - | 144.19 | 146.060 | - | 146.660 | 147.040 | + | 147.640 |
146.550C | 144.61 | - | 145.21 | 146.080 | - | 146.680 | 147.060 | + | 147.660 |
146.565 | 144.63 | - | 145.23 | 146.100 | - | 146.700 | 147.080 | + | 147.680 |
146.580C | 144.65 | - | 145.25 | 146.120 | - | 146.720 | 147.100 | + | 147.700 |
146.595 | 144.67 | - | 145.27 | 146.140 | - | 146.740 | 147.120 | + | 147.720 |
147.420C | 144.69 | - | 145.29 | 146.160 | - | 146.760 | 147.140 | + | 147.740 |
147.435 | 144.71 | - | 145.31 | 146.180 | - | 146.780 | 147.160 | + | 147.760 |
147.450C | 144.73 | - | 145.33 | 146.200 | - | 146.800 | 147.180 | + | 147.780 |
147.465 | 144.75 | - | 145.35 | 146.220 | - | 146.820 | 147.200 | + | 147.800 |
147.480C | 144.77 | - | 145.37 | 146.240 | - | 146.840 | 147.220 | + | 147.820 |
147.495 | 144.79 | - | 145.39 | 146.260 | - | 146.860 | 147.240 | + | 147.840 |
147.510C | 144.81 | - | 145.41 | 146.280 | - | 146.880 | 147.260 | + | 147.860 |
147.525 | 144.83 | - | 145.43 | 146.300 | - | 146.900 | 147.280 | + | 147.880 |
147.540C | 144.85 | - | 145.45 | 146.320 | - | 146.920 | 147.300 | + | 147.900 |
147.555 | 144.87 | - | 145.47 | 146.340 | - | 146.940 | 147.320 | + | 147.920 |
147.570C | 144.89 | - | 145.49 | 146.360 | - | 146.960 | 147.340 | + | 147.940 |
147.585 | 146.380 | - | 146.980 | 147.360 | + | 147.960 | |||
147.380 | + | 147.980 | |||||||
C=contest |
Are the simple. Freq, in 20khz or 15khz steps?
I want to setup my own PORTABLE repeater, main for operation in and around the state, national parks in Texas where there seems to be no repeater access in most areas. My repeater use would be for my personal use, family and friends and group members during the visits to the park.
So i am also trying to figure out good frequencies to use for the repeater without causing interfernce with anyone.
Why not just use simplex? The only advantage of a repeater is greater range between handie-talkies, provided the repeater is set op on a high central location, and/or, with a tower, which is not portable, unless you’re thinking about a big flat-bed trailer with a crank-up tower. Lotsa money! Also, a 2-meter repeater requires a large & heavy duplexer, also lotsa money. And a controller. And a generator.
As for frequencies, 2-meters is not channelized, and you are are free to use any of the simplex frequencies (with Technician or higher class Amateur license) for simplex operation.
I think a much better option for a portable repeater would be in the 440-450 (70cm) band, where the standard split is 5 MHz, thus the duplexers are MUCH smaller and cheaper. That equipment, along with a 40-50-foot fiberglass telescoping pole and 70cm antenna, could easily fit in a small trailer or full-size van or RV. You’re still looking at perhaps $2k+.
But please keep searching on-line — it’s likely someone has already done what you’re proposing, and can provide suitable equipment lists & est. costs.
73, –kv5r
I’m new to 2 meter band and I’m just starting to get the hang of things. I glad I found the Texas band plan. What I have read on the internet it seem like no one really knows what they are doing.
Iha ve learned so much from your website. you are the most informative sw person. thanks so much. keep up the fine work you do.