Copyright © 1999-2011 by Harold Melton, KV5R. All Rights Reserved. Feel free to link.
Digital Radio Software
MixW: The Best Do-It-All Software
Update 2007 from Jim Jaffe:
Hi Harold - First of all thank you for all those nice things you say about MixW - I really appreciate that. There has been a major change in MixW version 2.18 software:
- Brightness and Contrast control in the SSTV module so for the first time we can change those elements in a graphic prior to transmission of the graphic.
- A station can add as many lines as he needs depending on the size and resolution of his screen in the LogBar. I’ve got at present 11 lines. 10 previous QSO’s and 1 blank for a current QSO to log.
- With the mouse button one can scroll through the 48 Macro sets by rolling the mouse button.
- Support for the FT20000 and FT9000X.
Future versions will have automatic mode detect and baud rate, and as usual, we’re not charging for Updates - all users from the first to the current can update their software free of charge.
Jim, WA2VOS MixW Software USA
Things sure do change fast! A new Amateur radio software has emerged that makes most others obsolete. This new program is called MixW version 2. MixW is the brainchild of Nick Fedoseev, UT2UZ and Dennis Nechitailov UU9JDR. from Kiev, Ukraine. Don’t waste time goofing around — get the best at go with it.
MixW is a magnificent all-in-one ham radio station program that combines:
- Normal and Contest Logging — with several statistics displays, powerful enough to be your main/only station log
- Exports ADIF, Cabrillo, and all the popular log formats
- CD-ROM callbook lookup, also internet call lookup (if connected)
- Azmuthal World Map — shows heading and distance to DX station, determined by callsign
- DDE interface to magnificent DX Atlas software
- Multifunction Tuning Indicator — Phase Scope, RST, Copy, S/N, IMD indicators
- Waterfall and Spectrum Analyzer — zoom and colors customizable
- CAT Radio Control — for many brands and models — has scan, memories, etc.
- Actual RF frequency can be displayed along waterfall and Spectrum Analyzer, via CAT
- DX Cluster Window — click the “spot” to jump the radio directly to his frequency (via CAT)
- Keys PTT and CW KEY via CAT; or RTS and DTR pins; can also MCW via soundcard.
- Uses PC-soundcard and/or outboard serial TNCs
- Antenna Control — for most computer-controllable antenna rotators and remote switches
- Open unlimited simultaneous receive windows — monitor several signals at once
- Generate QSL CARDS from log data via DDE to WinWord or StarOffice, includes templates
- Almost everything is a toolbar that can be docked anywhere or floated — design your own screen layout
- All screen colors and fonts are fully customizable
- Can print your callsign in everyone’s waterfall in some modes (called “Video ID”)
- Contest Voice Keyer — multimode; uses your WAV files
- CW — send and receive, works great — use keyboard; or straight key or iambic paddle on JSTK or PRN port!
- BPSK-31 and QPSK-31 and even FSK-31, a new mode that works even better
- RTTY — set any shift and any baud rate and use 5, 7, 8-bit character sets — try new experimental modes
- Packet — HF, VHF, UHF, Sat., 300 - 19200 baud, simple to configure and use, does not use clumsy external engine, can also digipeat, beacon, ICP/IP (internet) over packet, KISS emulation, all with new internal code. Uses configuration dialog, not clumsy old TNC command line.
- Amtor — (Mode B (FEC) only) set any shift
- Pactor — receive only — G-Tor is in the works
- MFSK-16 — can send text, files, and even color pictures in a narrowband sstv-like mode
- Throb — in 1, 2, and 4 throbs/sec
- Hellschreiber — in three flavors
- FAX — receive only, any kind, can set any LPM rate, AM or FM demodulation
- SSTV — in several popular flavors
…all this and more in one integrated interface! The program is very stable — I have not been able to crash it. Also, it will run on modest computers. I run it with no trouble on a P-133 laptop with only 24 megs of RAM. However, the processor can be overloaded by setting the waterfall too fast, and/or turning on too many digital filters. With a 500-MHz machine and more RAM, you should be able to turn on everything at once and still demodulate while moving the mouse around.
This program definitely isn’t flaky-ware. It looks, configures, and performs like high-end commercial software. But the best thing about MixW is its authors, Nick Fedoseev UT2UZ and Dennis Nechitailov UU9JDR. They want feedback and will interact with users’ questions and suggestions. Very nice fellows!
MixW v.2 is available for free evaluation download. Fully functional shareware, dies after 15 days. The registration cost is $50 — VERY reasonable, considering all that it does! U.S. payments go to Jim Jaffe, WA2VOS, in New York, and he forwards to Nick in Kiev.
Jim’s site is PayPal accepted.
Info, see Nick’s site at