nothing’s really free…
When I see one of those “Contribute” buttons on a web site I think, “yeah, like I’m really gonna just send some money to a total stranger…” But this case is different.
Being disabled, I can’t do much, but I can poke at a keyboard, so I’ve spent thousands of hours attempting to write free articles for people to read and enjoy. And my writing is always based on the idea that good content should be both useful and appreciated, so I tend to cover my subjects in such a way as to take them from beginner to intermediate levels, along with the enthusiasm of new accomplishments.
If you find the articles on this site interesting and useful, please consider a small contribution to help cover expenses. There’s a PayPal button at the bottom of the page (you don’t need a PayPal account) and you can rest assured that it’s secure.
If you’ve already contributed, I’d like to say a big Thanks! It’s very much appreciated!
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Harold, I very recently used information on your web site to help me write a paper titled “Where Does 75-Ohms Come from Anyway??”. Many thanks for the way you maintain your site. The paper can be downloaded at the Linear Devices Company (LDC) LinkedIn landing page. Please let know what you think of it.
Thanks for the article on the liveliness of NOW probiotics. I’m a (non-practicing) biologist and I appreciate it.